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* BOOKSHELF (Кніжная паліца) * Barshcheuskaya Nina (Ніна Баршчэўская), The Role of the Belarusian Diaspora in Preservation and Development of the Belarusian Diaspora Language (based on the Belarusian press published in Germany) * Białokozowicz Bazyli, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and his attitude towards Belarus and Belarusians * Burlyka Ivan, Do Belarusians speak Belarusian in the street? * Fleming Michael, Reckoning with low electoral turn-outs in post-communist Poland * Janovich Sakrat (Сакрат Яновіч), Alone on Christmas night, etc. * Kołas Jakub, Szymko – muzykant * Łatyszonek Oleg, From White Russia to Belarus? * McMillin Arnold, Vasil Bykau * Mehlhausen Thomas, Belarus mit den Augen eines Deutschen * Mel’nikava Zoya (Зоя Мельнікава), The Formula of Openness: the „Termapily” Journal and Modern Belarusian Literary Process * Pálfalvi Lajos, Vannak-e esélyei a fehérorosz irodalomnak magyarországon? * Radzik Ryszard, Belorusski Sbornik * Radzik Ryszard, Identity of Belarusians and Ukrainians – similarites and differences * Rasanau Ales, Pools * Seniukh Cheslau (Чэслаў Сэнюх), Why hasn’t the Nobel Prize been awarded to Vasil’ Bykau? * Trepte Hans-Christian, Das Problem der „Hiesigen” (tutejsi) im polnisch-weissrussischen Grenzraum * Tychka Halina (Галіна Тычка), A Grievous Recluse under a Christmas star * Zoltán András, Szent Orsolya legendája Kelet-Euróbán * Бліхэр Cтэн Стэнсэн (Sten Stensen Blicher), Дзяўчына з Радос