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* Ірляндская паэзія, (пераклады Алены Таболіч) * Калевала * Томас Транстромэр і інш., (са шведскай паэзіі) * Andras Zoltan, Az ófehйrorosz Trisztan es Izolda-legenda dйl-eurуpai цsszefьggйse * Baradulin Ryhor, Kiedy witają się dusze * Barscheuskaya Nina, The way belarusian emigration treats ethnographic of Belarus * Burlyka Ivan, Contemporary change in Belarus: view from Sweden * Burlyka Ivan, Do modern Belarusians care about the belarusian literature? * Fleming Michael, The Belarusian minority in the 2002 Polish census * Hienijuś Łarysa, Noc, etc * Hilevich Nil, Late at night * Janowicz Sokrat, The Belarusian will emerge in time * Łatyszonek Oleg, Bely Ales’, On the Scandinavian origin of Rahvalod * Maksymiuk Jan, An Unclaimed Creative Potential or the Belarusians in the Bialystok Region as a Trlingual People * McMillin Arnold, Anatol Sys – a soul in torment * Radzik Ryszard, Die ideologischen Grundlagen des weiЯrussischen Staatswesens * Rasanau Ales, Eroberer * Rasanau Ales, On this Land * Ściepaniuk Eva, Bitter chocolate * Seniuch Cesław, Monument * Tarasewicz Leon, The province is not to blame! * Tornquist-Plewa Barbara, Language and Belarusian Nation-Building in the Light of Modern Theories on Nationalism * Vasiuchenka Piatro, The outlines of artistic world of Sakrat Yanovich: chronotope, irony, symbol * Yanovich Sakrat, Belarus tomorrow * Брэхт Бэртальт, Пра спакушэньне анёлаў, і інш.