
Belarus Headlines

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On 15 March, Russian Prime-Minister Vladimir Putin arrived in Belarus with a one-day working visit to take part in a session of the Council of Ministers of the Belarus-Russia Union State and a meeting of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community – the supreme body of the customs union... Болей »

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A round table "Belarus after the election: Revo-lution, Stagnation or Reform" was held in Brus-sels on 24 November 2010. The event was organized by the Office for a Democratic Belarus, in collaboration with the Centre for European Policy Studies and the European office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung... Болей »

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Promoting Visa-Free Regime for Belarus and Other Countries of the Eastern Partnership. In its statement of 25 October, the Council of the European Union underlined the importance of enhanced contacts between people and expressed its interest in receiving the European Commission's proposals for the negotiating... Болей »

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ČR, Belarus Promote Diplomatic Missions to Embassies. The Czech Republic and Belarus have promoted their diplomatic missions to the usual level of embassies, which indicates improvement of relations, as indicated on the official website of the Belarusian President Office and the Czech Foreign Ministry.... Болей »

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Belarus Sets Presidential Election for 19 December. Belarus lawmakers on Tuesday voted to hold a presidential election on December 19. The date was approved by 108 of 110 deputies in the Parliament. Eight Politicians Reaffirmed Their Intention to Run for the Post Following the Belarusian Parliament's... Болей »

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Seminar “Interaction between the Labour Market and Education in Belarus” Takes Place in Minsk. On 24 June 2010, the European Training Foundation, in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus and the Office for Democratic Belarus (Brussels, Belgium), organised a joint seminar entitled... Болей »

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EU Transport Policy: Sharing Knowledge with Belarus. On the invitation of the Office for a Democratic Belarus, a group of Belarusian experts on transport visited Brussels on May 17-21, 2010. The delegation that consisted of two former Ministers of Transport of the Republic of Belarus, Assistant Professor... Болей »

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Belarus Votes in Local Election. On Sunday, 25 of April, Belarusian voters went to the polls to elect members of local councils. Although 21,303 seats on local councils were contested, there were only an estimated 365 opposition candidates competing against the progovernment candidates. Dozens of opposition... Болей »

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“Energy Club”: Prospective Strategies for Development Alternative Energy Sources. The discussions of the second meeting of the "Energy Club", which took place in Minsk in March 2010, centred around strategies for the use of alternative energy in Europe and Belarus. The meeting was organized by the Office... Болей »

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The Energy Sector in Belarus. Only 13 to15% of supplies are provided from Belarus’ own resources. The main type of fuel used in the country is a natural gas, which is purchased in Russia. Its share in the fuel mix is 75-80%. Belarus is not the only country in Europe which depends on Russian energy supplies.... Болей »

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