
Каталёг EEDC

1958-1983. 25th Anniversary

1958-1983. 25th Anniversary

St. George Byelorussian Orthodox Church

On November 5th 1983 the Byelorussian Orthodox Church of St. George in Chicago, Ill. will celebrate its 25th Anniversary. Twenty five years ago this Church was legalized and received a State Charter. A sizable post World War II group of Byelorussian immigrants chose to settle in Chicago and other parts... Болей »

2001 Facts On Grants

2001 Facts On Grants

Civil Society

Civil Society is one of four programs funded by the Mott Foundation. The others are Environment, Flint Area and Pathways Out of Poverty. In addition, the Foundation maintains flexibility to investigate new opportunities through an Exploratory and Special Projects program. This publication provides detailed... Болей »

222 альбомы беларускага року і ня толькі...

222 альбомы беларускага року і ня толькі...

Праз рок-прызму’2
Мартыненка Вітаўт, Мяльгуй Анатоль

«222 альбомы беларускага року і ня толькі...» — чарговы ґрунтоўны том знакамітых беларускіх рок-журналістаў, у якім найбольш поўна адбіваецца ўся гісторыя нацыянальнай папулярнай музыкі, пададзеная ў жанры ґрунтоўных і ўдумлівых рэцэнзыяў. Дасканаласьць стылістыкі мовы й папулярнасьць тэмы робяць гэтую... Болей »

25 причин посетить Минск

25 причин посетить Минск

История Минской ратуши непосредственно связана с магдебургским правом, пожалованным городу в 1499 великим князем литовским Александром (1461-1506). Минск получал право создавать собственный орган самоуправления -магистрат, для заседаний которого и строилось здание ратуши. Первое, деревянное, здание было... Болей »

A bliźniego swego...

A bliźniego swego...

Materiały z sympozjum \"Św. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe - Żydzi - masoni\"

Jubileuszowy rok 100-lecia urodzin św. Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego obfitował w bogactwo inicjatyw duszpasterskich i naukowych. Na polskiej scenie najwyraźniej dał się zauważyć międzynarodowy Kongres Kolbiański zorganizowany przez światową centralę „Rycerstwa Niepokalanej” we współpracy z Niepokalanowem... Болей »

A Christian Democratic Party in Action

A Christian Democratic Party in Action

Campaign Handbook for a Succesful Christian Democratic Election Campaign

Dear Christian Democratic friends, It is with much pleasure that I welcome you to join and studying and working with this English edition of the Campaign Handbook of the Dutch Christian Democratic Party, the CDA. Since campaigning requires thorough preparation, we hope that this book will contribute... Болей »

A Directory of Think-Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

A Directory of Think-Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The first PASOS Assembly took place in Prague in December 2004, just as the Orange revolution was taking place in Ukraine. Subsequent events, leading up to the closely fought parliamentary elections of 30 September 2007, have shown that democracy has taken root in Ukraine, along with a free and vigilant... Болей »

A Report on the Condition of NGOs and Independent Culture in Belarus

A Report on the Condition of NGOs and Independent Culture in Belarus

A Report on the Condition of NGOs and Independent Culture in Belarus opens a series of seven special issues published as part of the Report on the Condition of NGOs and Culture in the Eastern Partnership Countries project implemented by the Kultura Enter monthly ( in collaboration... Болей »

A Short History of Musical Life in Hungary

A Short History of Musical Life in Hungary

Kiadó Corvina

The oldest musical relic in Hungarian territory was found by archeologists and dates from a period in which we cannot speak either of Hungarians or Hungary yet. During excavations carried on in Northern Hungary, a tiny, three-holed pipe made of a bear’s bone was found among the finds of the Istallosko... Болей »

A visit to Pinsk with Ryszard Kapuściński

A visit to Pinsk with Ryszard Kapuściński

Bodegard Anders, Soederberg Maria

The Polish writer Ryszard Kapuściński was born in Pinsk, a city in the former Soviet Empire and today The Republic of Belarus. Anders Bodegard and Maria Soederberg went there together with him.... Болей »

Камунікат.org – Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка
Пры выкарыстаньні матэрыялаў у друку спасылка на крыніцу інфармацыі абавязковая.
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